Random Quotes

"I wonder if I will someday be able to tell someone those same words, 'The world isn't as cruel as you think it to be.' " - Kamichika Rio (Durarara!!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 174 - Totally MADicine

Well, it's nearing mid-terms again and I'm watching my work pile up from procrastination and just plain lack of interest.

3 things to deal with over the course of 2 weeks. 1.5 weeks to be exact. Let's make it 10 days, shall we?

Well, first task at hand is to settle another stupid report. Actually, the report ain't due till April, but our postgraduate group member wanted it done before Easter. Specifically, before his midterms come. Well, that give us 2 weeks to complete the first draft. Enough time, but will probably lack in detail, especially when most of us don't know how the heck Irish government policies work here and what bodies are in charge of them.

Meh, I got it done anyway. Until I reread the assignment and smacked myself. It was entirely wrong! They wanted us to EVALUATE the policy. I made a general introduction of the policy. Crap... No, rewording everything ain't an option. Evaluating means researching everything they did under that policy, not just a select few. So, RETYPE!! 3 days to deadline. Woopee...

Then, just a day after the assignment, I'll be dealing with my first mid-term, the stupid German language class test. Unlike the Japanese language (which was a complete pushover), this was a real problem. I really have learned little during the class. We only started on actual vocab last week! So, I'd really like to see how she expects me to write sentences during the test. Ah well, electives are crap anyway.

Then, one week after that, the real deal is here. Cardiac and Vascular Biology combined into a single paper, which means double workload for just 1 exam paper. And 40% for each! Hah! And I've gotten pretty much... nothing done. Excellent... sigh... It's a good thing our cGPA is gonna be reset once we leave UCD, so I can actually screw my exams as long as I don't fail and study at my own pace. But I guess I still need good results for the JPA loan huh?

Bah whatever! I'm gonna throw Akito's line here.

"The only reason we actually need universities is the official certification."

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