Random Quotes

"I wonder if I will someday be able to tell someone those same words, 'The world isn't as cruel as you think it to be.' " - Kamichika Rio (Durarara!!)

Sunday, August 31, 2008


OK, now I know that I've spent too much time on gaming. I've been experiencing headaches, loss of appetite, dizziness and tiredness since last night. Either that, or its the 11-hour non-stop studying I did yesterday. Well, either way, I'm still gonna game. If it really is radiation and I fall sick from it, it means that I have done my duty as a gamer, although I would be disappointed that I succumb to it so soon. For now, Chaos Wars!!!

P.S. Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday. I'm so happy that I declared today and tomorrow a holiday!! Thank me!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I blame you, Winger!

I've been continuously grinning for the past 2 days and still am. If I held back a little less, I'd be laughing everyday since Monday.

What!? You don't remember why? Well, I guess you wouldn't, since I've been saying the same thing myself, except that you added a little something extra. Still can't remember? Fine. I'll tell you.

On Monday, we were gathered at our usual "hideout". Once again, we were talking about screwit's life. And she was shouting at the rest of us (other than Winger and herself). "I hate you people! Why don't any of you have a relationship?" She looked at everyone around her.

Either she fixed her gaze on me or something (I forgot), Winger suddenly said, "Because no one can beat this guy. His perfect girlfriend is Konata!" (or something like that) And obviously, 'this guy' refers to me.

Sure, I didn't think much of it at first. Then, for some reason, after college, I couldn't get that statement out of my head. "His perfect girlfriend is Konata!" kept ringing and ringing until I started thinking about it. Since it's in my nature (and probably too much Phoenix Wright), I started looking for flaws in what Winger said.

2 days later... AND I'M STILL LOOKING!! In fact, I'm almost about to give up. He's right... OMG! HE'S RIGHT!! Konata fits every detail of my dream girlfriend perfectly!

- She's a gamer.
- She's an otaku.
- She's a cosplayer.
- She's independent and strong-willed, especially when she has a goal (She got a job to buy anime/games/trading cards. She studied overnight to get the reward her dad promised.)
- She's passionate in things she likes, namely gaming and anime.
- She's smart, but she's a slacker (Kinda like me. We both burn the midnight oil during exams and still score as well as those who do regular studying. Hah!).
- She has long hair.
- She's witty.
- She's honest about her thoughts, even the bad ones.
- She's a very good daughter and gets along very well with her dad. (Her mom passed away.)
- She's left-handed. (I don't know why, but I have good feelings towards left-handers. Probably because my best friend is one.)

I could go on and on, but I'd probably fill the whole page, and besides, I've forgotten quite a lot of things over the course of 2 days. And during those 2 days, realising that she fits the place so well has made my life a living hell!

Now, I'm worried. My perfect girlfriend exists, but she's an anime character! And now that I have a clear image of my perfect girlfriend, there's no way anyone could fit that image anymore! Great! I'm now one of those psychos who fell in love with an anime character! I don't know whether to laugh or to cry! Damn! Damn!! DAMN!! DAMN IT!!

WINGER!!! I blame you for all this. Why did you have to let me realise that fact!? WHY!!?? You are guilty, Guilty, GUILTY!!! I'll make sure GUILT takes over your heart, you hear me?! I pray that my burning fury will materialise into blocks to crush you!!! If you dare resist, I'll send a whole unit of Neo-tanks and Mega-tanks to blow you to smithereens! And I'll send Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut and Eden after you too. I'll hire the whole SeeD Academy to come hunt for you. I'll... I'll... etc. etc.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



#10 辟邪剑法

#9 乾坤大挪移

#8 化功大法

#7 默然销魂掌

#6 太极剑

#5 玉女素心剑

#4 降龙十八掌

#3 九阴真经

#2 独孤九剑

#1 六脉神剑

Monday, August 11, 2008

10 best fighters

To entertain those who lack proficiency in the Chinese language, I shall make a list of 10 best fighters. Fighters meaning people who fight by dishing out techniques, not by raw power alone.

#10 Lu Bu (吕布)
If it weren't for his arrogance and lack of knowledge, he would've conquered China during the 3 Kingdoms era. Many fans of the book agreed that if he had Kong Ming's intelligence, he would have been the greatest warlord in Chinese history.

#9 Shinomori Aoshi (Samurai X)
IMO, the 2nd strongest in the series. Using illusions and an insane shortsword technique to boot, he should have totally been able to whoop anyone he's met. Frankly, I was sad when he lost to Kenshin and Shishio. And I was even sadder to find out that he would no longer play a part in the story after the Shishio Makoto arc.

#8 Haseo (.hack//G.U.)
In the beginning, he was known as "The Terror of Death", beating every PKer he's ever met, except Tri-Edge. By the end of the game, he was voted strongest character in The World. His skills were equivalent to Cloud's, except that Haseo could wield more types of weapons. The reason he did not rank higher is because he's a game character and his fighting skills were already set by the game system. Of course, it takes a pretty smart kid to control his character up to that level of technique and power.

#7 Himura Kenshin (Samurai X)
In my opinion, the greatest samurai to ever roam Japan. He was a balanced fighter compared to his foes, whom were skewed towards certain attributes. But his Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu placed too much pressure on his body and before he reached his 30s, he was unable to wield a sword again.

#6 Xiao Feng (萧峰)(Jin Yong's 《天龙八部》)
At age 30, he leads the biggest union in China, the Beggar Union. He and another were considered as the strongest of the younger generation of martial artists, although Xiao Feng later easily defeated his so-called equal during their first match. He stood his ground against several thousand warriors once, defeating even the best of the older generation. If he did not commit suicide for his country, he might have been the best in the Jin Yong series.

#5 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
Heralded as the greatest villain in gaming history, he certainly earns a spot on my list. He was the best SOLDIER and the greatest hero of all time... before he went insane. Sending a meteor crashing onto the planet to absorb the planet's regenerative power, killing anyone who stands in his way. A true villain and a truly powerful warrior.

#4 Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
He inherited the skills of the 2nd best SOLDIER. After many events in the game, he successfully took down the best SOLDIER and the greatest warrior in the FFVII universe. Plus, Cloud carries a sword which is a combination of 8 swords.

#3 The Lone Swordsman (独孤求败)(Jin Yong novels)
With his technique that counters every weapon (including fists and Qi gong), he certainly deserves the nickname "The Seeker of Defeat". His wish was never fulfilled as no one during his lifetime was powerful enough to beat him.

#2 Son Gohan (Dragonball series)
As a half-Saiyan, he surpassed the power of regular Saiyans. Thanks to the former Kaioshin, Son Gohan managed to unlock his full potential. However, he was still not powerful enough to take on Majin Buu. Somebody else did and was successful, though, and that person places 1st!

#1 Son Goku (Dragonball series)
Who else can blow up planets and disintegrate cells into non-existence?

Okay, truthfully, I need more time to review all the other fighters I know to actually set up a list, but the top 3 are definitely there!

独孤求败 - 群雄之最


此人虽从来没在任何一本金庸作品里出场过,但他在故事里持有相当大的角色。《神雕侠侣》里,他是神雕的前任主人,也是玄铁重剑的原本使用者。独孤求败虽然未留下徒弟(或者弟子没出息),但神雕却领悟了独孤求败的最佳剑法 - 独孤九剑,并传给了杨过。杨过也因独孤求败的生平故事而不再感到气馁。《笑傲江湖》里,令狐冲学到的独孤九剑及“无招胜有招”的道理均乃独孤求败创出来的。




Sunday, August 10, 2008


自小以来,“王八蛋”这三字已经听得惯了。想来现在的孩子也懂得喊出来。但是,我问过许多小孩,甚至中五学生也问过了,他们几乎都不懂“王八蛋”到底是什么意思。今早刚听到一位中二的学生说:“我不是王八蛋!我不是王,也不是八,也不是蛋!” 听了当真是 swt!


“蛋”这一字大家应该懂得意思,但“王八”两字就不见得有许多人明其意。 “王八”乃“乌龟”之意。“王八蛋”就是在骂人是乌龟的蛋。

从前,人家喜欢骂别人是“畜生,杂种”。不过,这些骂法不大能显出其得罪之意。因为老虎等威猛动物也算是动物。因此,人们便该骂人为“龟儿子”!这骂法也不灵,因为被骂者可以说:“我不是你的儿子!” 这样,自己反而变成了乌龟,自然是比龟儿子更惨!最后,人们便创出了“王八蛋”这个骂人的词。这样,如果想用对付“龟儿子”的方法就不能了,除非被骂者甘愿承认自己是蛋。



Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'm not even gonna talk about it. For those of you who know what "it" is, you should know how I feel. And you should know that bringing it up without my permission will lead to death due to serious haemorrhage.

So, I'm gonna talk about something else. Weiqi society meeting today was boring! Brannon didn't go, Youngblood didn't go. There weren't enough boards to play, so I ended up sitting there teaching a noob how to play against a veteran (whom I can't beat either). Anyway, at least we won, but mostly thanks to Eric (pro and strongest player in the society).

Right... that's about it. See ya.

Monday, August 4, 2008

5 stupid things I did today (04/08/08)

1. I ran from the cops and called 911 for help.

2. I sold my car for gas money.

3. I asked my friends to drink my "Special Heath Improving Tonic" (S.H.I.T.)

4. I mimicked Spongebob and challenged my friend to a "Find a hay in the needle stack" competition.

5. I shouted "Allah vs God!" as loud as I could in my house. Behind my house is a masjid. In front of my house is a church.

Why the hell am I doing this? It ain't even funny anymore.

August anime report!

I could've done this in July, but I was too lazy.

1. Tetsuwan Birdy Decode (Rating: 6/10)
- Moderate art, but good animation.
- Storyline not as dramatic as I had expected. Space alien accidentally kills kid, so space alien borrows kid her (alien's) body. Ittai nishin (一体二心).
- More wacky, less serious. Shouldn't have trusted the screenshots.
- Conclusion, not as good as I had hoped, but still fine... I guess.

2. World Destruction - Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin-tachi (Rating: 7.5/10)
- "There are two types of heroes. One who saves and protects the world, and another who destroys the world." And the protagonists are the "destroy the world" heroes!
- Above average art, animation quite well done, although too little action from the lady who carries a huge double-edge blade.
- Storyline... What storyline? They're just following a little black orb!
- Overall: Despite what I've said, something about it is interesting. Can't wait for more!

3. Koihime Musou (Rating: 8/10)
- Well, I'm angry at the fact that they're parodying the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a great Chinese classic. And they turned EVERYONE into girls and converted their names to Japanese! Guan Yu became Kannu, Zhang Fei became Chouhi, Zhao Yun became Chouun. I have a mind to behead the producers with Guan Yu's Blue Dragon Blade.
- But they did do a good job at displaying their characteristics. Guan Yu is calm, but rash and hotheaded at times, and so is Kannu. Zhang Fei is violent but loyal, equivalent to Chouhi's brattiness, rashness and love towards her sworn sister (Kannu). Zhao Yun is always calm and quick witted, Chouun is more or less so, but a little more spiteful.
- The heroes' martial arts skills were exaggerated, just like Chinese martial arts novels, so that's good. But their weapons are just too fancy.
- I like the ending credits.
- Animation is nice. Art is nice... well, it is bishoujou.
- Overall: I guess I'll let the producers off the hook.

Well then, I'll go after Sekirei and Ryoko's Case File now!