Random Quotes

"I wonder if I will someday be able to tell someone those same words, 'The world isn't as cruel as you think it to be.' " - Kamichika Rio (Durarara!!)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

5 stupid things I did today (30/07/08)

1. I saw a busty woman wearing a shirt with the word "Guess" written on it. I answered, "Implants?" That was the last thing I remember.

2. I shook a box with the word 'Nitro' written on it. I liked the sound it made, until my friend told me 'Nitro' stands for 'nitroglycerin' and not 'nitrogen'.

3. I saw a button with the words "Do not push." written on it, so I pulled the button. The tip came off. I quickly pushed the tip back on. Oops... "Nuclear launch detected."

4. I bought a car sticker with the words "Honk if you love Buddha." written on it. I stuck it to the back of my car and drove to a traffic light. I didn't notice the light turn green, but I did notice that a lot of people loved Buddha.

5. I typed this... again.

Okay, not so funny this time. Half of them were stolen material. Guess which ones.

3 Weird Laws

Laws, as in federal law, state law etc. and not scientific laws. These are just plain weird and surprisingly, one of them is just next door!

1. In Guam, virgins are not allowed to marry. So, there are people appointed to roam around the country deflowering virgins, and they get paid LEGALLY!

2. In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but only with her bare hands. As for the lover, the wife is allowed to kill her using any method!

3. In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapacitation!

Monday, July 28, 2008

5 stupid things I did today (28/07/08)

1. I called the devil and asked for a cup of iced water from hell.

2. I shot a guy with a tranquiliser and he shot me with his tranquiliser. Then, we had a "stay awake" competition. First to fall loses. Match settled in 5 seconds. We never found out who won.

3. I got a paper cut and tried to give the paper a taste of its own medicine. I ended up ripping my physics notes and still couldn't give that piece of paper a paper cut.

4. I threw a firecracker into a smugglers' warehouse. A moment later, I remembered that they smuggled gunpowder.

5. I typed this post.

4 out of the 5 are lies. Guess which one is true. :D

Top 3 Theories.

These 'theories' make little or no sense. They are not logical like some science dude's experimental know-how. They are just random, full of bullshit, and just plain wacky. FYI, these are MY pick, so if you have a better idea, post it on your own blog!

#3 Jones' Law
If a man can smile while things are going bad, he has confidence. If a man can smile while things are going worse, he has optimism. If a man can still smile when things are at its worst, he has just thought of someone he can blame it on.
#2 The Buffalo Theory
Buffaloes migrate in a herd. During peaceful times, they will travel as fast as the slowest buffalo to avoid the herd from breaking up. However, when danger arises, the buffaloes will pick up their feet and run as fast as they can. So, the slowest buffalo will be caught and killed. This ensures the survival of the fittest.

The human brain functions in a similar way. Your brain will work as fast as the slowest brain cell. And the slowest cells will be killed first when stuff like alcohol invades your brain. So, as you drink more alcohol, your brain will work faster and faster! That explains why people become smarter (or at least think they became smarter) after a few beers.

Warning: Excessive intake of alcohol and improvement of brain power may lead to the illusion that you are smarter, faster, and better looking than others.
#1 Jesus Theories
There were many arguments about who Jesus really was. The following are a few of them:

3 arguments that Jesus was black:
a) He called everyone brother.
b) He like Gospel.
c) He couldn't get a fair trial.

3 arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
a) He went into his "Father's" business
b) He lived at home until he was 33.
c) He was sure that his mom was virgin and his mom was sure that he was God.

3 arguments that Jesus was Italian:
a) He talked with his hands.
b) He had wine with his meals.
c) He used olive oil.

3 arguments that Jesus was Californian:
a) He never cut his hair.
b) He walked around barefoot all the time.
c) He started a new religion.

3 arguments that Jesus was American Indian:
a) He was at peace with nature.
b) He ate a lot of fish.
c) He talked about The Great Spirit

3 arguments that Jesus was Irish:
a) He never got married.
b) He always telling stories.
c) He loved green pasture.

And finally, 3 arguments that Jesus was a woman:
a) He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
b) He kept trying to get a message to a bunch of guys who just didn't get it.
c) And even after he died, he still had to get up because there was work to do.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Persona 3:The Journey

Phew...finally done with it! Hah! I went straight to beating all 3 final bosses without saving! Woohoo! After 105 hours of gameplay, I've finished the storyline! I might settle the optional quests, but later.

Here's a report about the 3 last bosses I faced.

1. Jin (aka. Geekface with Freakbot)
His persona did not make any sense to me. It looks like a flying saucer with legs and one arm that's always spinning. Well, whatever it is, it was C-H-E-A-P! He might have been able to exploit every weakness I had, but he forgot one vital detail. By the time I got that far into the game, I've already gathered Personas which have almost NO weakness. So, *bang* *pow* *smack* and that's game!

2. Takaya (aka. Revolver Jesus)
People who play this game and go to forums should know this nickname well. He looks like Jesus and he holds a revolver. And just like the "savior" Jesus, Takaya created his own religion based on a god who would cleanse the world of all darkness. Except that humans=darkness, so you get the point. The idiot keeps on firing his revolver at me, and I have a fire draining Persona equipped, so the battle also took very little time to settle.

3. Nyx Avatar (aka. Diehard bastard!)
The boss took me 1 1/2 hours to beat! A whooping total of NINETY minutes in front of the TV! And why?! Because he has 13, I repeat, THIRTEEN forms to whack. Kill one, another one comes. By the time I got to the 10th form, my party has already wasted all their SP casting spells. And then, I finally made it to the 13th form! First, insane HP. 2nd, insane defense. 3rd, he pulls out techniques which are practically cheating! Moonless Gown, Nyx becomes invincible and reflects all damage to the attacker until Nyx chooses to lift the gown! Then, there's Night Queen. Bomb whole party for mad damage and sends nonsense status effects to whole party! The final form took me 1 hour to beat! And guess what? After I whoop his ass, he stands up again and says, "I cannot be defeated because I am eternity itself!" Of course, stuff happened afterwards to end the story, but I ain't tellin' ya!

Phew... at least the ending went well. "Worry not, children (allies). He (main character) is indeed unique. He has at last found the answer to life. You all shall one day find it as well. He just found it earlier."

Now, I'm starting The Answer. And apparently, finding the answer to life is apparently a journey in life. We will find the answer to life at the end of the journey, which would be...death. Well, let's just see what happens afterwards.

Now then, I'll end this with Igor's damn nice quote.

"Death is not a hunter unbeknownst by its prey.
One is always aware that it lies in wait.
Although life is but a journey to the grave,
It should not be undertaken without hope.
Only then will a traveler's story live on,
Cherished by those who bid him farewell."

Tag! (seriously this time)

Got another one through mail. I didn't copy the rules and all that since I'm sure y'all know how to do these things by now.

7 languages you want to master (not learn):
- Chinese
- English
- Japanese
- French
- German
- Latin
- Celt

7 sports you want to master:
- Basketball
- Table tennis
- Bowling
- Baseball
- Tennis
- Boxing
- Golf
(The last five refer to Wii Sports, and not the actual sport But, it still requires hand movement!)

7 card games you want to master:
- Russian poker
- Chor Tai Ti
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
uhh... nothing else I guess.

7 board games you want to master:
- Weiqi
- Chess
- Chinese chess
- Shogi
- Scrabble
- Jumanji
- Zathura
(Yeah... the last 2 are jokes.)

7 household skills you want to master:
- Sewing (so I can get my cosplay right)
(I hate chores, so nothin' here)

7 skills you want to master (besides above):
- Deduction
- Swordplay
- Martial arts
- Drawing (so I can start drawing manga!)
- Writing (so I can continue writing stories)
- Dancing (only Hare Hare Yukai actually)
- Singing

7 people you want to master (and tag them):
- Winger
- chengyee
- Cubix
- Youngblood
- Hime-sama
- Jey Sern
- Wei Ewe

There you have it. And I ain't got a bloody idea what the last part means. Well... whatever. I'm gonna go settle a few more surgeries.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tag... No, wait...

Too lazy to do the e-mail tag I got. So, I'm just gonna outline some things that have happened in my life recently.




And lastly:

Got it, mates? I am darn addicted to these games. I sat in the General Lab launching Meteos and operating on Post-GUILT Syndrome (PGS) for 3 hours yesterday and today! And I'm gonna keep doing it until I get bored, which I reckon would be after I can whoop my best friend in Meteos.

I don't know why the hell I'm tellin' y'all this. but if y'all got anything to say, just say it and your opinions will be directed to a digital toilet bowl and flushed into a digital pipeline.

Game on!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Even more tagging nonsense

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!
1. I bite my fingernails whenever I'm anxious, bored, thinking etc. Basically, anything that requires concentration.

2. I prefer squatting or standing over sitting, because my legs become numb faster when I sit than when I stand or squat.

3. I think that the way duelists draw their cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters is cool!

4. I close my palm into a gun and shoot myself in the head whenever I'm stressed, like how the characters in Persona 3 use an Evoker to summon Personas. I enjoy picturing my stress materialising into a demon/god. And I don't picture committing suicide while doing that.

5. I'm a die-hard Final Fantasy fan who will whack anyone who dare say that Final Fantasy sucks! (Okay, I don't really whack, but I do get really, really mad.)

6. I dislike politicians because they're all liars. I dislike celebrities and their managers because they are like politicians.

7. I tie 5kg weights to my hands when I study.

8. The voice in my head who wakes me up every morning...I finally got rid of him, and now, I miss him.

9. I tend to write depressing stories when I'm happy. I tend to write cheerful stories when I'm depressed.

10. "Never hit a girl unless she hits you first," is one of the few principles I'm still upholding.

11. I'm practicing tarot reading, but I can't seem to find actual tarot cards. So, I'm using poker cards.

12. I used to practice acupuncture, but I've forgotten everything about it.

13. I find punching the wall a better way to quell my anger than counting to 20.

14. In video games, I prefer RPGs the most because they have the best story and I'm in it. I dislike sports games the most because they never seem to change, excluding the fantasy-styled sports games like Super Mario Strikers.

15. I'm a light-sleeper. I get woken up at night when my mom/dad/sis goes to the toilet.

I tag: anybody

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Worst Day EVER! (perhaps)

Yesterday (19-06-08) was probably the worst day of my life! Here's a chronicle of the things that happened:

9.35am - Worried about being late for the scholarship signing, I was rushing all the way there to find that we have to queue up, and I was at the back of the line!

11.10am - Very boring briefing that did not help us one bit! "Find your guarantor and a witness to sign. Get a copy of their IC too." *Long pause* Who the hell is our guarantor and who the hell is our witness?!

11.15am - Got caught looking at people playing Japanese chess at the back instead of listening to scholarship briefing. (Okay, this was entirely my fault.)

11.16am - Whispered a sentence to Winger, but forgot what I wanted to say and ended up babbling nonsense and smiling. Got caught again! For saying a FREAKING sentence and SMILING!!!!!

11.26am - Dr. Khoo made fun of me and then asked me not to avoid him whenever I see him next time. Oh please! Do I look like a coward?! If I was angry at you, I wouldn't turn my head in the other direction, I'd stalk you and observe your every move until you feel awkward in anything you do!

11.45am - Sis decided not to go to Queensbay, so I had to trouble my aunt to send me up there. I needed to change one of the stuff I bought last time because it was faulty before warranty ends.

12.00pm - Taught my brother how to do his homework. As usual, no cooperation from him.

12.45pm - Aunt arrived to pick me up. Awkward silence in car. To add to the problem, traffic jam!

12.50pm - Aunt lectured me about being more careful when buying stuff so I won't always have to go and change. Look, it ain't my fault that electronic stuff always seem to break when I first buy them!

2.00pm - Went to state library to play Weiqi. Finally, no one to judge me for playing!

6.00pm - Ran home when I suddenly remembered my cousin's birthday party.

6.10pm - Realised that the birthday party was 7.30pm!

7.30pm - Dad scolded me for always playing computer and video games. He claims that these things don't require brain power!
Fact 1: I spend almost the whole day in college on weekdays, I spend half a day of most of my Saturdays playing Weiqi at the library, and I spend half-day of all my Sundays out of the house doing family stuff! AND HE SAYS I'M GLUED TO THE COMPUTER AND MY PS2!
Fact 2: Video games require brain power. I dare say that I made it into MENSA (international organisation for people with high IQ) because I played lots of video games!

8.20pm - Played my cousin's Wii. He doesn't have the time to get games, so he only had Wii Sports. Owned him once in boxing, he owned me back later. He owned me in tennis and bowling. That sucks! How could I lose in tennis!?

9.30pm - Time to go home! That sucks! I still wanted to play and it's only been an hour. Oh well...

11.00pm - Defeated by Queen Nyx! Shit! I've been whacking that boss for more than an hour and I LOST!! Sigh... Time to level up again...

!@#$%^&*^^%#@%##!$^%$*(&*XYZABC123@#$%*&!!@ Screw that Saturday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sony's PS3 Crisis!!

Sony is definitely in a pinch now. Since the PS3's release, due to its insanely high price (US$500 = car down payment!), a lot of PS3 exclusives became multi-console. GTA IV, for example. But, the PS3 still managed to hold some ground thanks to Metal Gear Solid 4.

Now, the worst has happened! Square-Enix has announced that Final Fantasy XIII will be released for the XBox 360!! *gasp* *choke* *suffocate* For now, it seems that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still PS3 exclusive, but now that the mainstream FFXIII has moved on, who's to say that this one won't move on either!

I reckon unless Sony finds a way to seriously cut down PS3 prices, the PS3 will get the big GAME OVER. The only PS3 exclusives that might attract are... nothing, I guess. I'm ain't a fan of God of War.

Then again, I ain't a fan of the Playstation series either. I'm just a RPG fan. Since better RPGs are released on the PS series, I chose that. But now... well... let's just see if FFXIII Versus remains a PS3 exclusive.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Finally finished watching "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and "End of Evangelion". And boy, is it depressing! I reckon it's the most depressing story I've ever encountered. The ecchi and insane amount of nudity towards the end of the series didn't even seem to grab any attention. Hideki Anno did both a great and terrible job in making this series.

It was great in the sense that it portrayed his fight against depression very well through the characters. You could literally feel what the characters felt, especially Shinji's and Asuka's. Of course, that meant that you'd be mighty depressed after watching it. The same went for me. I felt so unmotivated to do anything that I got a headache today.

The fact that he left the ending so darn ambiguous can be both good and bad. For me, I was already too unmotivated to think, so it was bad. But once I'm motivated again, I reckon I'll find it very impressive. As for other people, I can't believe they could send death threats to Hideki Anno after watching End of Evangelion. Perhaps the depressing theme really did affect them. Hope nobody committed suicide after watching the series.

Ikari Shinji... that kid sure is pitiful, yet I can't seem to feel any pity for him. One who can't love himself will not be loved by anyone else, I guess. Since Shinji represents Anno, I congratulate Anno for successfully overcoming a trial as tough as this.

Well then. My headache is restricting my thoughts so I'll just end it here. Too bad it ain't as ambiguous as Evangelion.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Okay, refresh my memory...

Who the heck is Ee Lin and Abigail? My cousin Jelissa brought up their names. I vaguely remember them but can't seem to get a clear picture of them. I know I can't remember faces, but I'd at least like to remember people.

And I'm almost at the end of Persona 3: The Journey. And I've played a total of 103hrs+ so far! Why does the game have to be so long?! If it wasn't so good, I'd have gotten bored by now! Once I finish this, I still have to play Persona 3: The Answer. Following that would be Makai Senki Disgaea 2 and Chaos Wars.

I went to play Go yesterday. Lost to 2 people, won against 1. Nothing to be proud of. I need to get better so I go against Brannon and the other pros! Current goal: Beat Chaw Chi Hau.

Questions? Comments? Get lost!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shoot... Lost me pencil case

Darn it! I can't seem to find the stupid thing anywhere! Not in my house, not in college. Oh well. Besides the new rubber and the pen my dad got as a remembrance of Chung Ling, the rest were old stuff. I'll just replace them. New pens, new protractor, new pencils, new eraser... Gotta spend money again. *sigh*

In other news, looks like a lot of people are declaring war against certain people. Anonymity seems to be the lesser forces' advantage, but supposedly not for long. The force with more numbers has an advantage in numbers and rage is pushing them even further. How many people are on each side, you ask? That's a secret. How long will it take for this war to end? Probably when the lesser forces surrender or are defeated. Let's just wait and see.

The above paragraph sounds retarded and idiotic because it was meant to be.

Anyway, anyone interested in learning Igo (a type of Japanese chess) can go to the Penang State Library at 2pm on Saturday.

Monday, July 7, 2008

11 month countdown

Alright. Assuming that Justin and his AMGC organises Ichibanzai 09 sometime around June, I have 11 months to prepare my costume. I've already started collecting cardboard and buying planks. I'll start carving today.

1. Haseo (I'll prove you wrong, Winger!)
2. Squall Leonhart
3. Adell (absolute last choice!)

Time to get to work. And hope that I don't leave for university before Ichibanzai.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New anime to look forward to

There are a lot, but I'm gonna list down some of which I look forward to.

1. Birdy the Mighty Decode (4 July 2008)
2. World Destruction - Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin (7 July 2008)
3. Blade of the Immortal (13 July 2008)
4. ef - A Tale of Melodies (October 2008) (Can't wait for this)
5. Vampire Knight Guilty (October 2008) (Can't wait for this too!)
6. Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae (October 2008) (Scream, Winger...)
7. Queen's Blade (2009)